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Privacy Policy

​​Uplift Cares Privacy Policy

We, at Uplift Cares Global Movement Foundation, Inc. (“UPLIFT CARES”) acknowledge and respect your right to privacy and the confidentiality of your Personal Information. As we collect, use, store, disclose, and dispose the information you provide to us, we are committed to be faithful stewards of this information by handling it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and our Uplift Cares Privacy Policy as stated hereunder.

It is within our Privacy Policy to take all necessary steps to ensure that personal information you provide is processed securely and lawfully.

Only authorized personnel and third-party providers obliged to respect its confidentiality has access to all collected personal information. We neither sell, trade. or market any personal information supplied by you to any third party nor use any of the information you provide for commercial or other unrelated purposes.

It is within our Policy to regularly monitor our internal procedures to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory requirements, including the general policies and procedures of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 of the Philippines (the “Data Privacy Act”), relevant orders issued by the National Privacy Commission, and other applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

​​The Types of Information we collect

In participating in any Uplift Cares activity, it may be necessary for us, in pursuit of our legitimate interest as a non-profit organization, to collect personal information from you. Such personal information may include, but are not limited to the following:

• Your name
• Phone number, email address, Facebook page
• Residential address
• Age or life stage
• CCF satellite/ church affiliation you are a part of
• Your discipleship group leader’s/ mentor’s name and contact number
• Names and contact numbers of your discipleship group members/ mentees
• Health or diet related concerns
• Your religious beliefs/ convictions
• Prayer requests
• Personal testimonies
• Photos or videos of you captured during events/ activities/ projects for documentation, audio-visual presentations, and non-profit event/ activity/ project promotions.

Depending on the event, activity, or project concerned, we may collect and process different personal information from you. If you have any concern on why we are requesting certain personal information, you may send your inquiry to us through the contact information provided below.

Why we collect Personal Information from you
Whether as an applicant, full time or part time employee, consultant, scholar, volunteer, or someone who is new to Uplift Cares, we find the necessity for us to collect personal information that would allow us to know you better.

Rest assured that we do not use your information in any way other than in the furtherance of our vision and mission as an organization.

How we collect Personal Information from you
We collect your Personal Information by the voluntarily submission of the same to us through the following channels:

1. Uplift Cares website;
2. Social media sites;
3. Forms including online and paper registration forms and/ or application forms;

How we use your Personal Information

We guarantee that the information you have voluntarily provided will be used solely for the foregoing purposes for which it was collected, will be kept confidential in accordance with laws and Uplift Cares’ Policy, and will not be disclosed without your consent, except for lawful reasons as provided under applicable laws.

We recognize that your information including capturing your photos and videos will be used in accordance with National Privacy Commission (NPC) for the purpose of advocacy and promotion of the organization which will be shown in posters, social media platforms, and the like. We will exercise utmost care in producing and sharing such promotional media content in our accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Website.

Who we share your Personal Information with
Disclosure of personal information shall be limited to authorized Uplift Cares personnel that is involved in a specific event, activity, or project. It may also be disclosed to the members of our management, officers, and CCF Board of Elders, on an as-needed basis.

We will not share your personal information to third parties without your prior consent, except when legally required by the law or by the appropriate public authority, when needed to pursue a legitimate interest of the organization, or when necessary for the protection of lawful rights and interests and for the establishment or exercise of or defense against legal claims of persons or the establishment in any proceedings.

We will never share or disclose your information for commercial or non-related purposes.

How we protect your Personal Information
Reasonable steps have been set up to ensure the security of personal and sensitive information we obtain including the installation of organizational, physical, and technological safeguards for as long as they remain in our digital storage until such time they are no longer needed.

We acknowledge and respect your right to be dealt with anonymously, and we will try to accommodate your request for anonymity wherever possible, lawful, and practicable. Please do note that in some circumstances, this may prevent us from effectively communicating with you.

Your Rights
For a complete list of your right as data subjects, please go to:

Updating your Personal Information
Any changes on the Personal Information provided will only be made upon the receipt of the updates therein by Uplift Cares and/or upon the request thereof by the primary data subject. Upon update thereof, both the new and the retracted information and the simultaneous receipt of the new and the retracted information shall be made accessible to the recipients thereof. Authorized personnel and third-party providers who have previously received such processed personal information shall be informed of its inaccuracy and of its rectification upon reasonable request by the primary data subject. If you would like to update your personal information, please email us at

Questions about our Privacy Policy
If you have any questions or clarification about our Privacy Policy, you may contact our Admin personnel at (02) 8866-9996 or email us at

If you feel that we are in breach of this privacy statement, you may contact us by any of the above methods.


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